Google Adwords setup

We help with Google Adwords campaign setup in the USA.

Adword Consulting Description

  • Account setup (if you do not have an account)
  • Campaign creation (up to 5) based on your product, location, and language
  • Creation of tightly-themed ad groups (up to 10)
  • Creation of Ad copies to attract high CTR and conversion rate (up to 2 Ads per Adgroup, or 20 in total)
  • Highly-targeted keyword research (up to 200)
  • A/B Split testing (up to 2 Ads)
  • Landing page recommendations to improve the conversions and overall ROI
  • Google Analytics 4 sync/linking
  • Google Search setup
  • Set up conversion tracking
  • Ad extensions set up: e.g., call extension, so potential customers can easily click on your phone number and call you immediately.

Google Adwords audit

Why buy from Digideo – Free Adwords Credit – Poland and USA

After carefully analyzing your AdWords account and web site, you will be provided with a detailed report that includes the following:

  • Campaigns/adgroups structure
  • Keywords selection, match types, negative keywords
  • Ads/split-testing/ad copy
  • Landing pages
  • Quality scores
  • Campaign settings
  • Google Search audit
  • Location targeting
  • Conversion tracking/E-commerce Tracking/Goals
  • How to improve the conversion rate?
  • How to minimise the bounce rate?
  • How to minimise your CPC?
  • How to improve CTR?

Competitor assessment

Uncover competitors’ ad strategies and budgets

  • With Semrush, Wincher, and other tools, we will monitor your rivals’ PPC activities, ad spends, and the most profitable ad copy.
  • Analyze your competitors’ Google Ads usage trends
  • we will discover desktop and mobile keywords your competitors are bidding on
  • we will discover your rivals’ top-performing paid keywords
  • See what emotional triggers they are using in their ad copy
  • Learn your competitors’ advertising habits throughout the year

Research PLAs ( Product Listing Ads) in Google Merchant

  • Discover product listing ads that showed up for every keyword
  • See the position a domain’s Google Shopping ad received in a paid search
  • View the number of search queries that trigger rivals’ PLAs to appear
  • Find the leading advertisers among your Google Shopping competitors
  • Determine how many PLA keywords you and your rivals have in common
PPC competitor analysis reporting