• Magento 2 upgrade services - Conway Shield

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  • Magento 2 upgrade services

    migration to the newest Magento version

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With the latest Magento 2 Upgrade, there have been many improvements in compliance, scalability, and performance while keeping in mind the best online experience for the user. We at Digideo provide world-class Magento 2 Upgrade Service or Magento 2 Migration.

The All-New Magento 2 Upgrade

Have you ever wondered how to enrich your business customers and prospects? With so many competitors, staying right at the top is crucial and a hefty task too. If not well-acquainted with the steps, you hardly get any chance to shine.

Thanks to Magento 2, staying at the top is more like a cakewalk. With its renewed focus and suite of some complimentary products, like ePOS or OMS (Order Management System), Magento 2.x is currently getting more and more pieces from the eCommerce market share. Of course, its competitors are also very active.

Most of our clients choose Magento 2 upgrade due to past experiences and knowledge of cms and similar user interface.

Some smaller clients moved to Shopify and Woocommerce.

Reasons to start the Magento 2 upgrade project

  • Scalability and enhanced performance

    faster loading

    Magento 2 load time is much faster than as compared to Magento 1. Thanks to the full-page caching, the majority of pages can now load faster, in just 1 to 2 seconds.

  • More User Friendly Checkout

    easy and fast

    The Checkout process on Magento 2 platform is best than any other online platforms available in the market. It is easy for customers to complete orders & it’s highly customization for business owners.

  • Responsive and SEO Friendly

    built-in tools

    Magento 2 platform is coming with more responsive and search engine friendly. This is a big advantage because Google’s algorithms have been officially favoring mobile-friendly websites in the ranking.

  • Improved Performance

    new architecture

    Magento 2 has a brand new architecture that provides great performance, enhanced security and better integration option with third-party software to cater to any of your complex business needs.

  • Advanced Dashboard

    better reports AI

    Magento 2 also has an advanced dashboard with cheaper and easier updating extension and also have Elasticsearch extensions for M2 are also available with similar functionality.

  • Most Flexible Architecture

    easy to integrate with 3rd party software

    The Magento 2 entire architecture has been re-written to improve performance and for better integration capabilities. This will help to maintain a clear path for future upgrades of the platform.

  • Faster Integrations


    Magento 2 API is much more improved than what Magento 1 has. It means you can easily integrate any third party order or inventory management system with your website to fulfill all your business needs.

  • More Security Options

    better security

    Magento 2 has been redesigned from ground up for fast performance and utmost security. It will give peace of mind to you and your customers that your website is secured so they can trust your business

  • Reliable Developers

    Magento 2 has quite huge number oof developers who specialize in this cms. It means you are secured for any situations. It is easy to find a replacement.

  1. the upgrade of Magento 1 to Magento 2 and data/plugins migration
    • The theme design must match your existing Magento 1. x version.
    • For the primary step, you need to set up Magento 2 version with topology.
    • For offering redundancy during unexpected issues, it is vital to replicate the Magento 1.x database and start using the same for the migration procedure.
    • When you are done with the basic steps, you must migrate to a new theme, extension, customization, and data, for complete functionality.
  2. a new Magento 2 theme with the migration of data and services and Magento 2 upgrade
    • you choose the new theme prepared for the chosen Magento version
    • next, we do all steps from the primary step
  3. new custom-designed theme (UI, UX) with Magento data migration and services
    • we work on your UI/UX requirements and collect them
    • next, we work on the designs and migration plan
    • finally, we can start with point 1 – the similar Magento 2 upgrade project.
Once the decision to re-platform your existing business has been taken, we will guide you through the entire process:
  1. Develop a strategy: First, we will help you set and prioritize your goals, develop a project roadmap, and define your budget and timetable. We use an agile scrum project management for bigger shops because it is always something unexpected to move that somebody forgets about.
  2. Get everyone on board: we will help you create a strong, responsive cross-departmental team for project reviews and decision-making. Throughout the project, we will also help you manage expectations by clearly communicating goals and success metrics to all parties involved.
  3. Select the technology: While there likely is no single platform that does it all, we will help you select the one that best fits your business needs.
  4. Create a proof of concept: We will ensure you are on the right track by putting your functional and technical assumptions to the test with your target audience before development starts. We will ask you to fulfill our questionnaire with hundreds of questions.
  5. Plan the launch date carefully: Since re-platforming will likely cause KPIs to drop temporarily, it is essential to consider the best possible launch date. We will help you pick the right season and moment in your sales cycle.
  6. Test, analyze, and improve: Once the new platform is in place, we will help you test and analyze overall performance, front, and back-end functionality, and third-party solution integration to ensure everything works according to plan. We will also support regular A/B and multivariate tests to optimize your business’s performance further. As well as we propose our technical support for your shop maintenance.

Before you even plan to invest time for Magento 2 upgrade, it’s time to be acquainted with some exciting features first. Let’s get started:

  • There are practically two major changes in Magento 2.0 layout. It is placed directly under the app structure, and each module has a separate VIEW directory.
  • It introduces a completely new concept of container wrapper, acting as a structural block. Organizing these blocks has become more intuitive with its visual design editor.
  • CSS preprocessing is another added feature. It does not use Bootstrap but has its own CSS and LESS in theme core.
  • a completely new UI library, which employs a set of mixins, for easing frontend theme customization and development.

Thanks to our dedicated team of professionals in Digideo, we create a better experience for retaining and attaining customers for new store owners.

Starting from theme development to extension development, and even Magento template customization, options are limitless with us. We further help in troubleshooting and proficient bug fixing, to let your service acts perfectly. Just give us a call, and our dedicated team is all ready to help you.

Have a new Magento 2 upgrade project to discuss?

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