What is the website optimization?

The website optimization (often conversion optimization) is the process of systematically improving the performance of your website to meet your business objectives.

If your goal is to get more leads, sales, or reduce customer service phone calls, website optimization can be used to make your website more effective at meeting those goals.

Expert assessment (website optimization audit )  is a rapid and inexpensive method of assessing the existing website that provides information needed to improve this website or to design its newer version.

Such website audit’s preparation includes all recognized standards for designing and creating websites for different devices and browsers, the usability testing, the accessibility testing as well as methods and techniques developed by our specialists.

Often your website’s users see your website differently than you do.
The habits and trends changing  in the web page layout, navigation that were totally changed by Google and Apple in recent years, the use of mobile devices (the number of tablets doubled from month to month) and a new software version are  normal and require regular changes of the websites and their applications .
Our Heuristic Analysis  is the fastest and cheapest way to indicate the most common problems that your users encounter.
A happy user is one that quickly and easily obtained the goal he visited your website. Such user returns. This is what we want.

The benefits of the changes made after the website optimization audit are following:

• longer and more frequent visits (increasing customer loyalty)
• Increased user satisfaction and his/her confidence
• the company image improved
• better position in search engines (search engines highly value the services of the correct structure)
• better adaptation to the mobile devices and web explorers
• better contact with the customer
• more customers
• more profitable companies

What will your website gain?

a clear identity of the service – linked to your business
• easy to navigate
• fast finding of information and products
• intuitive – simple to use functions
• transparency and accountability
• the availability of web forms and their simplicity
• readability and comprehensibility of content for all users, even the disabled and older

We review the most important pages on your website. Usually, it is 50 pages.

Our methods for the website optimization

During the web audit we use:
• the set of the criteria met by sites with their high quality for use
• best practices – best practices developed by the IAB and other associations of Internet
• demands of Nielsen Norman Group (http://www.nngroup.com/)

Result of the audit may include all or individual elements of the survey:

  1. Usability testing (report utility) where all problems are perceived, presented by thematic categories. Each failure is accompanied by assessment of relevance and concrete proposal of solutions that will eliminate it.
  2. The study of visibility in most common search engines – the content testing in order to adapt its content to the expectations of the recipient and to the requirements of search engines.
  3. Analysis of the conversion on the basis of a study on consumer behavior by using statistics from Google Analytics or any other web statistics tool – taking into account the “best practices” and current efficiency standards
  4. Analysis of website structure and content for particular groups of users jointly selected by the customer and the host (including the examination of usability, efficiency and marketing analysis)
Website optimisation dashboard semrush