Drip marketing was developed in response to the “Law of 29 in which many marketers believe that an average “prospect” will not turn into a client until they’ve viewed their marketing message at least 29 times.

Drip campaign meaning is really linked with following substitutes:  drip marketing, automated email campaign, lifecycle emails, autoresponders, and marketing automation — the concept is the same: they’re a set of marketing emails that will be sent out automatically on a schedule.

Drip marketing and small business

The method of drip marketing can help you avoid the sell-produce curve, which is the situation where you are selling until you find work to do, you are then so busy doing the work that you stop selling. Once the work has been completed you start selling again. This is a dreaded situation that most business owners hate to encounter. The sell-produce curve is experienced mostly by solopreneurs or small businesses.

It was a very frustrating process for even my own company. This was a reason I started my self-learning on marketing automation tactics and best solutions.

An effective way to use drip marketing is to consistently do something each month to keep your name in front of your current clients and prospective clients. By doing this, you diminish the sell-produce curve and will find that you will have a steady amount of business coming in the door on a continuous basis.

Your Plan of Action

The best thing about drip marketing is it requires a plan of action. By creating this marketing plan and following it throughout the quarter, half a year or year, you can guarantee that you will be consistent with your marketing all year long.

I suggest that you develop your drip campaign when planning your yearly marketing calendar.

How the drip campaign works

It is a typical process – the first email will go out as soon as someone signs up, another will go out 3 days later, with one more going out the next weekend. Or, the emails can be varied based on triggers, or actions the person has performed like signing up for your service or making a purchase, which is why they’re also sometimes called behavioral emails.

Drip campaigns aren’t limited to email—the term also applies to direct mail and phone-based marketing, too. But in this primer, we’re focusing on email, since it’s efficient and cost-effective.

  • Step 1: Develop your Plan (Plan something EVERY month)
  • Step 2: Strategize the Execution of Your Plan
  • Step 3: Decide who your Target is.
  • Step 4: Create consistency by developing your slogan or phrase. Then place it on every promotional and marketing piece.

Questions that help building your drip marketing campaign

Who are the customers?

What do they think? See? Feel? Do?

What’s compelling about the product to these personas?

Why do they buy it, use it?

What are the key experiences customers have with the product?

How do they find it? Buy it? Use it?

How does this differ across actors?

If a CIO or parent buys it and then a support person or child uses it, how does that work?

What is the personality of the brand?

Its positioning?

How does it talk about itself?

How do is that executed?

What words and phrases do customers use to talk about the area?

What do they type into Google?

What are the product’s most important brand assets?

What are the most important growth activities?

What organic (unpaid) channels are most important to the product’s branding and growth?

What paid channels are most important to the product’s branding and growth?

What promotional infrastructure (email lists, in store displays, social media accounts) working for the brand?

Drip marketing is a part of the marketing automation process. There are so many other marketing activities that can be automated.

You can use different types of tools to create your drip campaign. More information is here

We specialize in choosing the best CRM/marketing software for small and medium-sized companies from different industries. All these tools have marketing automation, drip marketing, and tools to create a drip campaign inside implemented. Some of them specialize in particular industries, e-commerce, non-profit, real estate, financial, workshops, and training, etc. Some of them are adding more and more functionalities, like Salesforce, Zoho or Hubspot.

marketing automation platforms

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