Multi-device online searches before purchasing

Our habits are changing all the time. The multi-device online searches are really common activity. We use many electronic devices that are connected to Internet at home, at work. As a consequence search engines started monitor our online searches and our behaviour.

According Google – the tablets and smartphones changed the web searching experience:

77% of mobile searches are in a location (home or work) where people are likely to have a
PC available to them.
Source: Mobile Search Moments Study
March 2013

90% of multiple device owners switch between screens to complete tasks.
Source: The New Multi-Screen World
August 2012

According Google data our multi-device online searches have changed our habits importantly, especially in e-commerce area.

Please look at the infographic below:

multi device search

PDF version – multi-screen-world-infographic_infographics

I saw also other researches that presented a purchase process by using different devices.

Simply the outcome of  multi-device purchasing was following:

  • if a customer see the same product offer on many devices correctly, she/he will be more willing to buy. This pre-purchasing activity will help in taking decision. 67% of Internet users are buying by using many devices in the same time.
  • if a customer sees too many products at your offer on PC, you can differentiate this offer by mobile device – less products on tablets, lesser products on smartphone website.
  • you can combine multichannel sales to present better offer.
  • usability of websites on different devices is a key factor of success
  • the great content, great offer – it is another surplus!

More targeted offer  – the less risk and higher conversion of sales

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