Magento 2 Icecat

Icecat is a really powerful product descriptions database. It will save your hours for product data uploading.

Icecat is a leading content provider providing free data-sheets for your web store. It has also a paid version that has much more features and access to the valid product data provided by the manufacturer, with many photos, videos, and attributes..

Look on the Icecat website to find out if we have the content for your assortment.

This real-time module fully automatically loads and caches the full product information live per product* in your Magento web store! No complex configurations, no extra hosting requirements or programming needed. Just sign up, install the module, follow the steps and you are ready to go!

Icecat MAGENTO 2

Note: This module does not create products in your Magento environment, it just displays rich content in the front end of the store for the products that are present in your store. So you should already have products imported or e.g. use our Iceimport service to get this done.

Magento Connector Features
Export Types: Full and Delta
Multi-Language Capability
Exportable Data (Products):
Name, Category, Stock, Prices
Exportable Data (Content):
Attributes, Product type, Short description, Long description, Images, Related Products
Shop Version Support:
Magento 2.4.3 to 2.4.6
Max Number of Products Supported per Icepim:
100.000* For ex: 50.000 with 2 languages
Min Shop Server Specifications for Supporting Max Products:
48GB RAM & 12 Core server
Export Speed:
Onboarding: 150 products/min* or Content: 50 products/min*
Export Data Format:
Adding shop filter to post filter, Video Export, Reasons to Buy Export, Bullet Points Export

We can help with custom filtering and custom integrations with Magento. Please contact us if you need help.