What is Magento market share in 2015? Let’s start from a short analysis.

It is my high-level overview of Magento platform

  • Magento did same for e-commerce platforms as iPhone did for smartphones.
  • Magento extension marketplace is like Apple’s App Store: 6500 + extensions
  • Apache, PHP, Zend architecture framework, MVC and MySQL
  • Runs virtually on any platforms incl. clouds, small footprint, high performance, can be clustered
  • Community Edition – Open Software License/Academic Free Licence and supported by the Community. Current CE version 2.3.xxx
  • Enterprise Edition is licensed and supported by Magento (15 k€/year/server) – over 4400 shops ( 30% B2B)
  • Magento market share in 2018 was ca. 30%, over 240 000 installations, over 4400 B2B installations
  • Adding or altering Magento store functionality is not an IT project that takes weeks
  • Time to Market, ROI, and TCO is beyond imagination for old school e-commerce merchants
  • Magento Go closed in April 2015

Magento market share in 2015 – 30%.

Table 1. Top 10 Ecommerce Platforms, October 2015

Magento market share in 2015


There are a couple of other reports that monitor and analyze eCommerce platforms, like Forrester research 2015.

B2B e-commerce platforms by Forester in 2015

All of them prove that Magento is growing steadily and moving to Enterprise solutions year by year.

What is the main reason behind Magento market share numbers in 2015

  • Code-level Access
  • Web Services API
  • Mobile HTML 5 Theme Pre-integrated
  • Extensions
  • API Integrations
  • Themes per shop, per category
  • Mobile Commerce
  • Multiple Stores
  • Multiple Store Views
  • Advanced Administration Roles
  • Persistent Shopping Cart
  • Flexible Pricing Rules
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Layered Navigation
  • International Commerce and Multiple Languages
  • Shipping Rules, Payment Configurations and Gateways
  • Product Configurations
  • Up-sells, Cross-sells, Related Products
  • SEO
  • Flexible Couponing and Promotions
  • Customer Accounts Management
  • Order Management
  • Staging, Merging and Rollback of Content ( EE)
  • Built-in Security

We prepare a more detailed analysis for B2B and B2C sellers.

Please feel free to contact us for more details.

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